
The D&D Chick's Blog

A fun look at Table Top RPGs


August 2016

Problems with Player pt. 1

One of the hardest things to deal with is problematic players. Some players I have dealt with have had attention problems. This is hard to deal with but here are some tips to deal with this situation.

  • Have something for them to prepare during other players turns like rolling attacks or keeping track of innitiative.
  • Perhaps have movies or tv on during time where things are going slower like during character creation. But not during major moments in the story.

If you have a shy or senstivie player make sure you ask them in game what they want to do and make sure they can participate and arnt over shadowed by louder other players. Also tailor loot for each person so they dont have to fight for good loot and treasure.


Dm tips #2

Be prepared for contingencies, players are creative too and a eccentric group can derail your plans.

Dungeons and 5th Edition – What do you REALLY need.

5th edition is the latest edition of dungeons and dragons. It is the edition currently in print and easiest to get the books for. However, people can get overwhelmed with the complexity and multitude of different books. 

To play 5th edition you only need these books to start: 

Players Handbook 

This book outlines all the rules and stats for making your character, as well as all the rules and items you need to get started. 
The Dungeons Master Guide:

This has all the rules for the DM to run the game. All the traps, rules, loot and NPCs are listed in here. 
The Monster Manuel 

Here is all the monsters and their stats. Often there is a mm2 and so on but you only need one to start and to fill your adventure with intresting baddies from the start!

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