
The D&D Chick's Blog

A fun look at Table Top RPGs


April 2017

Call of Cthulu 6th editionĀ 

Call of Cthulhu is an RPG that is very different than a game like Dungeons and Dragons. It doesnt focus on brute strength and fights. It has a lot to do with losing sanity and how that affects you as you encounter horrors. It is based on thr novels and works that were written by H.P. Lovercraft and expanded on heavily by other writers and game creators.

This is a very dark book, focused on horror but also literally as its all in black. No color at all. Which fits the yone but Cthulhu is usally dipicted in green and it think woule have potentially benefited from some color.

The art work itself is nice. Some of thr monster designs remind me of the much earlier AD&D such as in the image below.

Truly an interesting book and an interesting game. 

The game uses percentile dice. All the checks use the 2 d10s to determine a percent which below the check you suceed and if its below you fail. You have some modifyers to help determine your success rate.

This chart shows when you success and when you fail. This chart also showsnthe excessive use of black ink used in this book. 

This book references otherworks of horror as well as people and othrr historic real world references. This book takes place in the real world. The time period you use is the setting and determines what weapons and technology are avolable and what you can do and use.

This is a very different game than D&D however it is pretty fun. You cannot just jump into this game and play the way you would play d&d or you will die. Often you cant just kill stuff it involves more strategy and roleplaying. Its a fun game and worth a look if you like horror!

5 D&D Mistakes in the The Big Bang Theory – “The Girls Play D&D”

  1. Says girls don’tĀ typically play dungeons and dragons
    • wrong wrong wrong (for further reference see the title of this blog)
    • Girls only don’t play when they get excluded or discriminated against.
  2. No one rolls dice… apparently –
    • only theĀ dungeon master rollsĀ apparently
    • each person usually has a set of Ā dice minimum
  3. No one adds any modifiersĀ (or they don’t know what modifiers they have )
    1. usually yo add your characters strength to an attack or magic or somethingĀ but here it’s straight dice rolls.
  4. The girls didn’tĀ make characters
    • there are a variety of classes and races all with different play styles, none of this was taken into account.
  5. No damage rolls only using d20
    • Typically different weapons do different damages and have different resistances and strengths etc

The Warforged – Bizzare Races

A sentient robot construct. Thisnis a playable race introduced in the ebberon campaign setting for dungeons and dragons 3.5.

Tabletop Role Playing Game

A game played in the real world, usually on a table. A game such as dungeons and dragons whrre you rile play a character, you arnt playing as yourself. Usually you are playing within a story written by one player rather than just miving around a board (board game). Usually played with books, character sheets and dice.

Love these books!

Smelling Devil

This one looks like a pretty standard generic devil…But it has a huge nose wjich is like honking or maybenits pinching its nose because something smells bad. Theres a lot of cool detailing here but i cant get over questioning that nose.

(aD&D Monster Manuel)

Dark Souls…

MM2 3.0

Dungeons and Daschunds

Flipping through the a new monster book and spyed this happy chap and thought he was a moster… he reminded me of anakin. Lets hope he doesnt hate sand…

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