
The D&D Chick's Blog

A fun look at Table Top RPGs


May 2017

Gore in 5e

Volo’s book of Monster for 5e Dungeons and Dragons is the bloodiest book I’ve seen so far. I really like it I think it fits in with the darker themes of Dungeons and Dragons. Dungeons and Dragons has long been called satanic or devilish without the blood or gory images. Im glad to see they are just running with the more adult themes.


A value that indicates your likelihood to go first. For example at the begining of a battle everyone rolls and adds there initative to see who goes first, second, thirs etc.

Dead Eyed with Fab hair

Looks like the corpse of a reanimated biy band memeber.
MM3 3.5

Dual Strike

This feat is good for a melee combat character focusing on useing 2 weapons at the same time.

This feat reduces the penalty applied to your off hand weapon making your character more likely to hit with both weapons.

This feat can be founf in the Complete Adventurer 3.5.

Glum Giant

This guy look so glum and serious. He looks menacing in the sense that he is no nonsense. There is also a random bear in the background.

(aD&D Monster Manuel)

D20 System

A sysstem of using dice for dungeons and dragons. Rather than using a multitude of d6s like other games, in d&d you roll a d20 for pretty much everything your trying to do with other die for things like damage.  

Quick Reconnoiter

This is an excellent feat for any skill focused character. Constantly you need t do listen and spot checks as a part of dungeons ans dragons. This feat allows to do this checks as a free action meaning you can do this each round while still being able to do normal combat. Also i love increasing initative ao thats an extra bonus! 

You can find them in the Complete Adventure for 3.5.

Youtuber Highlights: The Spooney Experiment

The Spooney Experiment 

The video series called Counter Monkey dictates Spooney’s experiments playing d&d and other RPGs and highlights interesting stories and rules. It is really informative and is useful as he gives lots of tips for players and DM’s alike.


Check it out!

Armour Class

A numerical value that represents how hard you are to hit/damge. It usually included your dexterity/ability to dodge, your armour and any magical shielding you have.

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