One thing i like that pathfinder and d&d 5th edition happen to have in common is unlimited cantrips. Cantrips or 0 level spells in other editions were likited based on stats and level. However this meant a magic user couldnt do simple magic at will and simple things like emitting light were limited to around 6 times per day max. Luckily in Pathfinder and 5th your list of cantrips you know can be cast as much as needed. This is very helpful and makes more sense to me. It also gives the magic users more to do at low level when they dont have as many spell slots. I would also reconmend if your in a more high powered 3.5 campaign to adopt this rule as it will not really break the game and it is simple to add to your game via house rules.

(Pathfinder Core Rule Book Page 71)

(Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edtion Players Handbook Page 201)

Unlimited cantrips = great idea.