
The D&D Chick's Blog

A fun look at Table Top RPGs


November 2016

Swirly Man

Want your character to look like this? Then you can get this magical skin for your player. You now can sport the d&d version of a van goh painting and strike fear into your enemies.

(Magic Item Compendium 3.5e)

Monster Manuel Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

This book has probably my favorite covers of any d&d book. I love hownit looks hand painted and it is delightfully retro.

It is black and white on the inside but that is excuseable as it was printed in the late 1970s. 

Its got its fairn hare of funny visuals but it also has some really nice artwork as well. (Ill be putting some photos in werid and wacky monsters)

Its info is organized in a straigjt forward manner. Im not as familiar with the rules of thisnedition but the stats in This book are displayed clearly and simply.

Most if not all of its creatures seem to have aa unique photo which are contained usually in a rectangualr box off to the side.

It has some nudity with a couple of the harpies and things have exposed breasts butnits not overt or overlly sexualized.(im not going to show the nudity). 

It also has a few funny cartoon buts which were charming and made me laughed.

Im so happy I own this book. There are reprints of this book ehich may be in colornbutni have one kf the orignals from the 1970s i picked up in ebay. This book is older than me but i love having itnin my dungeons and dragons book collection.

Old and Blue

I find this one even funnier and out of place than the Pathfinder Goblin I have talked about previously. Why is it so chibi and old looking. It does not lool menacing at all and its pastel blue skin jusr looks very cartoonish. It kind of looks like a diseased version of a house elf from Harry Potter.
(Pathfinder Bestiary 1).

Attack of the Bird-Man

This one I find creepy. Its bird like face reminds me of a plague doctor. However it is a humanoide bird creature which is just wonderful. I admire the steention to detail and it looks cool with its art design but i wonder how menacing it would look without its cloak.

(Monster Manual 3 3.5e)

Players Handbook 2 vs. Advanced Players Guide

(3.5 on the left and Pathfinder on the right)

These two book are essentially the same in what they add to there games respectivly. They are the thr first players splat book. Both contain new classes, races and other such information.

Although pathfinder and 3.5 are often seen as very simulair it should be noted thatnthe new expanded classes are very different. Thus these two book are very different. 



This is the main difference between these two games as well as these two books. After the core books pathfinder diversifies significantly. People sometimes likento use pathfinder classes and such in 3.5 for this reason howvere there are some core difference that need to be adjusted for conversion.

Reverse Horn Beetle

Im not sure whats going on here. What is with the large funnel on fhe head of this crab/insect. It is like a reverse unicorn or rhino horn. 
(Monster Manuel 3 3.5e)

Sassy Cat Staff

This cat just looks so pleased with itself. It look almost likenits staring at you and about to laugh. Its quite the expression. I love it!
(Magic Item Compendium 3.5e)

What is Frostburn?

I love this book. It is a book that contains all sorts of rules for dungeons and dragons 3.5 that deal with cold climates. It has new races, monsters, classes, skills, feats, spells, building features, weapons and prestigue classes all with a cold climate theme. 

The art in this book is consistant with the overall 3.5 theme and is stunning. I love the additions of new races, classes and all thr new features as it really spices up the game. 

I love the idea of the dangerous that a snow and frozen condition can bring. Things like survival checks become so important and you really need to be stratigic about your travels in a different way that the typical temprate forests. It is not a mandatory book to have but i say its one of the enviroment supplements I feel is worth getting. It does add a lot of new content to the game and its a nice looking book to boot.

A Face only a Mother could Love

The monster almost looks scary and haunting but this face…

It just looks so glum. It lookses its intimidaton because it makes me laugh.

(Monster Manuel 3 3.5e).

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