
The D&D Chick's Blog

A fun look at Table Top RPGs


September 2017

Unearthed Arcana 

The ultimate House Rule Compendium for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition. 

This book contains all the alternative variant rules to customize your games. Everything from varient race features, class features as well as basic rules.

Its excelent rules in here for customization but bot all rules will work for each campaign. The DM needs to pick and choose these rules to customize the game they are running wuth rules they feel. Fit better.

My favorite rule is the alternative XP system.

Instead of trying to calculate the scores using the method in the Dungeon Masters Guide. This one is much more straight forward and streamlined.

Love tbis book but it can easily confuse and complicate your game. Use it with caution!

Corpse  Gnoll

An undead gnoll a great addtion tot the game and a vadass design to boot.
Volos Guide to Monsters

Cthulu Axe Man

MM3 3.5


MM3 3.5


This book is so boring. I dont like this edition at all. All the feats are uninspired and the way magic works is werid. Ive never been so uninspired to blog while flipping through a dungeons and dragons book.

So many uninspired boring tables…

4th Edition

Advance Player Classes -Pathfinder

Whats interesting about the Advanced Players Guide is that the extra classes are not the same as Dungeons and Dragons. There core classes are the standard wizard fighter bard etc. However the equivilant to player handbook 2 does not have any classes seen in Dungeons and Dragons. Instead they have some really cool ones such as the Witch, Oracle, and Alchemist! 

(The Cavlier)

It was nice to see them branching away from D&D as they are published by another company (paizo instead of wizards of the coast). 


Im not sure what this is but im intrigued

AD&D 2e

Fish Men of the Past

Werid fishpeople thag looks very retro like those old movies. The one in the back looks like its intently trying to get our attention.

(aD&D Monster Manuel)

White Pudding…

What? Sentiant snow called white pudding….

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